Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ask Alice 3

In the book Ask Alice, She had to learn life lesson the hard way. Towards the begging of the book Alice is faced with things like going to partys and using or not using. After her frist time of using she thought that it made her life easier. Alice got very cought up in drugs and started dating a drug dealer and her life went down hill from there. Alice had learned that she missed her family way too much and and goes there and back twice. Alice doesnt know it but her perents arent going to keep letting her leave and come back.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ask alice 2

In the book ask Alice, she gets in to situations were she wants to be a good family girl and cant stay away from drugs. This alice is faced with a hard disesion for her situation, she had to face her family after she had already ran away or stay at her place alone. The resason she was faced with this dision is because Kris the girl she ran away wants to go home. plus it is around Christmas and the are both feeling lonely. When Alice reaches her disecion that she wants to get clean and go home, her parents are so excited.when she gets home her family is catering to her and she thinks she is Happy for the first time until she goes through withdrawals

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ask alice

THe book i choice was ask alice. the reason i chocie this book was because my mom that it was a great book when she read it. Also the books i look to read are books about teen issues. She starts out in her home town by herslef not like herself then moves and only has one fried that she think she love. but then statrs drugs which she thinks makes her life easier but only made it harder for her.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Glass blog 15

IN the book glass the sequel to crank, Bree is trying to be come Kristina again. This means the Bree is going to stop being addicted to , meth/ the high, Wanting every guy she meets, and reconnecting with her family. The first thing and the hardest thing she had to over come was her addiction to meth because she has a son and a baby on the way so there is no way to keep going on with life the same way. The second the she has to overcoming or try to get to is settling down with one guy and not wanting every one you meet. Third and maost important thing she needs to do is reconnect with her parents, show them that she really does care about tham and is thankful for everything they have done for her. When those things a done she will be Kristina again, she will have overcame BREE.

Crank blog 14

In the book crank , Bree finds her very first love when she goes to live with her dad for the summer. His name is adam he was a guy that made her feel spacial and never named her feel like she wasn't special or feel like she had to change around him. When they had met Kristina was not Bree yet. once something came up around the Kristina couldn't handle it so Bree took over. Adam and Bree did things together that wasasign of young love they got heart tattoos to symbol there love together which they were hoping would last for ever. Adam Bree's supsly lover introduced her to crank(meth)which she got Kristina hoked on for a very long time .
Sometimes Young love makes people do thing that would not do if they were older like doing drugs just to get they guy you notice to like you or getting a tattoo to symbol your love.

Crank blog 13

In the book crank, Bree is at war with her parents. Bree want to be on her own and live her life they way she wants to. Se defiantly lets her parents know that by tell them the get the fuck out of her life almost everyday. Bree decide that won night she is just going to leave to go see her new boyfriend chase at 12 at night, not realising she doesn't have a car to get there so she stick out a thumb on and stands by the road and the first person she see,s is a cop who takes her down town, when she get there she calls chase to come get her, but Bree parents already don't like chase so he call her parents. This started a whole new part of Bree's life she was at war with her. They would just bash each other back and Fourth. Bree was gfun(grounded until futher notcie) is what her parents said but she just proceeded not to listen which made a big war.

blog 11 gobal issuse

Glass blog 12

In the book glass which is the sequel to crank, Bree had her baby and her parent thought she was getting on track but still had her on lock down , so they decide to bend the rules that they had set because she was doing well but this was all Bree plan she told her parent that she was going to a collage fair in California where her old meth friend Robyn lived. So they said on this once we will try it they gave her the car and a hundred dollars for food gas and a place to stay the night the only thing they had asked was for her to call them. In realty Bree was going to Robyn to get her first snort of crack for the first time in four months when she arrived there she got 200 worth and arrived home at 4 and her mom flip which made her never bend the rules for her for a long time.

Crank blog 10

In the book crank, Brees family are very religous so they celerbrate christmas in a very differnt way. her parents buy them alll the gifts the want but the have to earn them be doing good deads all around the house and to get the best gift like the on bree want which waas a car she had to do a helping aroud the commtiy which could be anythign form picking up trash begging grocercy or helping any one in need. When you are bad in this month it is nver anything good they start to return your gifts form best to worst. Bree had been so bad that she had only gotten a pack of socks which just made her want the crank even more.

blog 9 bollywood

in this bollywood film,

Crank blog 8

In the book crank, every year Bree's family goes on a trip with her step dads work which is in Arizona. His work buys them all hotel room which is all inclusive, mean the pay for all you food and hotel needs. The also rent out a Park form then which they set up amusement park rides. Right next to the park the is a beach and a lazy river. The park also has a huge hill where they do potato sack races there family spend most of their time there having a blast. Another Thing the do every year is Bree older sister Leigh comes home and they help their mom can all the thing in her garden which is, green beans and tomato's which normally too the most time and were vary messy.

Crank blog 7

In the book crank, Kristina parents were seeing a huge change in their daughter before she had left to her dads in the summer she had loved being around her family and going to family functions, she also had a best friend named Sarah who was with her all the time. Kristina also would never party or try any type of drug. Kristina was on of those easy kids Evey parent hopes for. Until she came back form her dads she cam back BREE. Bree had different plans for Kirstina's life like tell her mam and step dad to fuck off and get out of her life, She also did want anything to do with Sarah whci was kstina lie her best friend. Bree also loved the way of begging sneaky and bad she had got Kristina's body stuck on meth , she had also got her pregnant but want meth so bad she would do anything. Her parents finally realize here is something going with her daughter when she doesn't wake up for 2 full days and decide to change the parenting styl.

crank blog 6

In the book crank, Bree has a very serve addiction to meth she as hope to quit because she is pregnant and she is ruining her relationship with her parents and is tryin to fix them. She about 3 months a long and had a very tough time by not having friends and her parents on her case about being careful for the baby she just couldn't take and snorted to short lines of meth, the next she told her mom she need to get an ultra sound because she the hope that her baby was still alive and when she went the baby's heart beat was still there but it was defiantly slower . Her mom knew why they baby's heart beat and was so slow and she was so disappointed and told her to live on her own for awhile hopping that she would get her life on track. Bree made up a lie to her mam to make her believe something Else and her mom believed her because she had hope that her daughter had quit meth.

crank blog 5

In the book crank, Bree is pregnant with a guys named Brendon who raper her and doesn't want anything to to with the baby or her. She has to come clean and tell her parents because she has no onelse to get through this with her. Bree wants to get in abortion and the being because she doesn't want to have a baby of a raper but her mom and her step dad think it is a sin for her to an abortion and they tell her that if you have an abortion that they would cut her off from their money and they would not provide her a roof to live under. If she would have chose abortion her parents would have cut off all communication with her because her parents would believe she was connecting with the devil for taking a human life.

Crank blog 4

In the book crank, the main girls name is Kristina but she likes to be called Bree, Bree is addicted to meth and will don anything for it she went to a random guy named Brendon to get it and he took her to way out in the desert and rapes her and she didn't do anything about because all she want the meth. She found out a couple of weeks later that she was pregnant and since she is the girl she has to deal with all of the baby things. She has to deiced between abortion , adoption and just keeping it. She decide to keep it and now she has to deal with all the morning sickness paying for the baby because Brendon doesn't want anything to do with her or the baby. I think pregnancy is a big women role.

crank blog 3

my reading a book called crank, the back round of the book is about an Innocent girl who goes to see her dad for the first time. when she goes there her dad has no rules she starts to try meth and when she has to go back to her mom she has the challenge of quiting. She has a very different culture then mine she has a very lose life she is allowed to do things with no questioning form her parents she has a lot of freedom and no con troll from her parents. In house culture is different because i have a lot of rules about were I'm going what time am i going to be home and who am i hanging out with. From the way her parents never gave her any rules she took advantage of it and became an addictive. i mean i would like more freedom but I'm glad my parents still care.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dad seeks custody of son taken to Brazil
An 8-year-old boy is in the middle of an custody battle so high profile that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is using her clout to try to bring the boy home.
THe dad of his son droped is wife and son off in barzil for a two week trip but was later told the the wife wanted aa divorce and want ed to keep there son. THe mom later died and her current husband wanted to kept her son but his real dad wants him back.THE step dad of the kid is very close to the son he calls him daddy eventhough he know it is not his really dad, he know the differance just perfers him.
the step dad does not think that the real dad daivd is really trying to be a dad because he he was he would have came to barzial to see his kid. i think the kid should be able to say where he would rather be and where he would be happier.

natural disaster

Scientists Expose 'Buried' Fault That Caused Deadly 2003 Quake In Bam, Iran
they figured out that the earth quake in iran was not a real natural disaster it was buried fualts
that were not so hidden. These fualts caoused a 6.6 earth quake which had killed over 30,000 people.The seismic and satellite studies showed that the fault under Bam had slipped by about 2 to 3 meters at the time of the earthquake. When scientists from Iran went out in the field after the earthquake, the cracks they found at the surface only showed 25 centimeters of slip or less. If indeed there had been 2 to 3 meters of slip at depth, the surface must have somehow absorbed that slip. Which would almost have been impossible.This study is helping the researchers find the future behavior of the fault. Initially, they were concerned that if stress at depth was not relieved at the surface, then a earthquake could result. The rupture's stress was absorbed in the damage zone, the researchers believe the fault that shook Bam in 2003 is no longer a risk.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

breaking dawn 3

in breaking dawn, Bellas baby starts to sufficate, and they are forced to deliver her. The baby is deliverd and is health, bella is blacked out and the only way to save her is to bit her and bella offically becomes a vampire. Jacob doesnt fell attracked to bella anymore because she is a vampire, and jacob wants to kill the baby becase she feels she is dangerous but as soon as he see her he stops because she is beautiful. when bella is a vampire she doesnt reconise her self anymore. before she can see her baby she has to go hunting to stop her thirst. Bella and edward go hunting . Bella is very fast and very strong. when the baby touches people they can se her memories. bella finally meets her baby. Jacob is in love with bellas baby and bellas is ferioce and attacks jacob.

breaking dawn 2

in breaking dawn, Jacob goes back with his pack, and they find out about bella being pregnet with a half baby and they think it is dangerous. the pack wants to attack bella because the baby could be dangerous ,Jacob doesnt agree with the rest of the pack so he leaves the pack and starts his own with seth and leah. Bellas condition gets worse and the cullens family have an idea to make the baby un thirsty by making bella drink blood, and it helps alot. Bella likes the taste of the blood. Some of the old pack come and talk to Jacobs new pack. Bellas baby is getting so strong that it cracked two ribs and her pelvise. Edward can hear the babys thoughts, she is thinking that She doesnt want to hurt Bella and she loves her. Edward thinks the baby is ready to be deliverd and that Bella will surive.

breaking dawn 1

in breaking dawn, Edward buys bella two cars after her truck breaks down. They tell bellas paretns about how they are getting married. Edwrad goes to his bacholar party, and Bella dreams about a vampire baby. Edward and Bella get married jacob comes to see bella at her reseption and dance with her for a few songs and then forced to leave becuase he got mad that bella will be changing into a vampire soon. edward takes Bella to esme island for there honeymoon, Bella and Edward have sex and bella gets pergnent. They return to forks, Jacob goes to the cullens house because he wants to kill then because he thinks they changed bella into a vampire. when he gets there he finds out bella is pregant and finds out the the baby is killing her because it is growing really fast. Edward asks jacob for help to convince Bella to give up the baby or she could die.

elclipse 4

in eclipse, Bot fights have ended between vitoria and the new borns the cullens and the pack one both. Jacob is the only one that was injured but he heals quickly. The vulture came to make sure the new borns got taken care of, and also was tell edward that he is going to check on Bella to see if she was human or not. Bella goes to see jacob and they talk about them andBellas says bye to hi forever because it is to hard to have him and jacob in his life. Bella is a mess and cant stop cring over Jacob Edward feels terrible and say they can sstart doing things the way she wants to.

elclipse 3

in eclipse, Bella graduates high school.She figures out who raided her room and an that they are after her , Victoria created new born vampires. the Cullen's and the pack are going to get together to take down the new Born's. The Cull ens and the pack meet in the woods and figure out a plan to attack the new Born's and where Bella will be during the fight. Bella convinces Edward not to fight and to stay with her because she feels most safe with him. Bella and Edward talk about sex and if there ready for it. Bella says yes to get married to Edward. The Cullen's and the pack set a trap for the new Born's. Jacob takes Bella and Edward to where they will be for the fight which is in the mountains. Jacob is is keeping Bella warm with his fur. Jacob and Bella kiss again and she realise that is is in love with him too. Jacob goes to fight the new Born's and later Victoria and her partner come to fight were Bella is against Edward and Seth. Victoria and her partner die.

elclipse 2

in eclipse, Bella and Jacob hang out but it ends in a fight. Edward comes back from hunting. One day there was a vampire that raided Bella's room and they don't know who and takes some of her clothing. Jacob and Edward are trying to catch the vampire together. Bella goes to the reservation with Jacob and his pack told stories about how they became ware wolf and about there history and ancestors. Bella and Edward talk about marriage and Bella is not ready to become a vampire. Jasper told Bella about how he became a vampire and why. Bella visits Jacob and he tells her that he loves her, in the mist of it he kisses her. Bella punches him in the face and breaks her own hand.

Eclipse 1

in eclipse, Bella and Edward visits Rene Bella's mom in Florida. Victoria comes back to forks, but the Cullen's and Jacobs pack chase her out. the Cullen's and the pack are not getting along because of boundary lines. Jacob and Edward still don't like each other because of Bella the both want but only one can have her. Edward goes hunting but comes back early, because Bella goes to see Jacob so he was worried about her. Edward goes hunting again and buys Alice a yellow porshe that she wanted she that she would make sure Bella does not do anything dumb or do anything with Jacob while he was away. Roselle talked to Bella about why she got turned int to a vampire and why she wants Bella to stay human.

new moon 3

in new moon, Bella decides that she would like to go Cliff diving with Jacob. One day when Jacob is away she decide that she want to go that day. Bella is about to dive off Cliff just so she can hear Edwards voice and almost drowns but Jacob saves her. Alice comes back to forks, Washington , because she sees in her visions Bella is jumping off a Cliff, and she wasn't sure if Bella was still alive or not. Edward think that Bella is dead and decide to go to Italy to upset the vulture, so they will kill her because he think is love is dead. Bella ans Alice fly to Italy to stop him so he doesn't kill himself. The vulture said that Bella has to be turned into a vampire when the check up on her, because she knows to much about vampires. Edward and Bella go back to forks. Bella's dad does not approve of Edward.

new moon 2

in new moon, Bella decides to be a little rebellious by buying to motor cycles. Jacob is going to help her fix them up because they are not in very good condition. when the are finished being fixed up Jacob and Bella take them for a spin Bella ends up in a crash and gets hurt. She realised that when ever she does something stupid or dangerous she can hear Edward's voice saying why are you doing dangerous things. Jacob has been acting weird because he has been "sick" and has not been talking to Bella. Jacob comes to Bella's window one and night to tell her something but cant so he he gives her clues about Jacob being a ware wolf. Laurent is dead and Victoria is still looking for her. Jacobs brother in his pack are protecting Bella.

new moon 1

in new moon, bella has her first birthday party in forks washington, at the cullens. they give her presents. bella ended up cutting her finger on the wraping paper, and jasper jumped at her,but edward saved her again. Edward doe not think it is safe to be wiith bella and think that she sould live a normaly life, so edward tries to erase the memory oh him in bellas head. so he takes all of the gift that he gave her and all the pictures of them together and try to act like he never exsitied. edward and his family move to L.A. leaving bella in forks. Bella has become very depressed for four months avoiding frineds and doesnt talk much anymore, she was basiclly a zombie at home and at school. One day she decides to be different and be her normal self by trying. she starts to hang out with jacob again he is her best friend.

twilight 4

in twlight, bella wakes upp in the hospital with her mother at her side and edward is also there. bellas mom tells her that she fell down a flight of stairs and throw a window because her mom does not know that edward is a vampire so that is why her mom does not know the real story and neither do the doctors. she leaves to hospital and goes back to her dads. edward tells her that they are going to the dance together. alice helps her get ready at the cullens house. bella and edward get very serious . jacob comes and talks to bella at the dance and says that watch out and be care full of edward. jacob think that edward is dangerous because he supisous of them and does no know they are vampires.

twlight number 3

in twlight, james follwers bella to arizona and calls bella and say if she doesnt go to her old dance place , he will hurt her mom.the reason james wants bella is because he wants her blood a lot. bella escapes and runs form the cullens to the dance place and finds out that her mom is not realy there the voice he showed her was a recording, and james comes and he breaks her leg and bites her wrist, then edward ccomes o the dance place and him and james fight. the rest of the cullens arive, and the take care of james and burn him be cuase the only way to kill him is by burning him. whille edward and carlill take care of bella edward has to suck the venom out of bellas blood before it is to late and start to become a vampire.

twlight chapter 2

in twlight chapter 2, she was in her first weeek or so of schol and it was clooudy day out, she was in her bio. call and fainted because of the blood. edward picked her up and cared her to the nurse. edward had drove bella hime from school and they were talking and getting to know eachother. bella and edward had there fist kiss, bella goes to play basebasll with all the cullens and the other nomad vampirs james lurent victoria come and james smells bellas blood and want to kill her. bella has to leave to somewhere safe where james wont find her. bella and alice go toarizona while the other cullens try to kill james befor ehe get to bella.

twlight book one

in Twlight, the first chapter, Bella leaves her mom and moves in with hr dad in the small town of forks Washington. On her first day of school she is fitting in very well because there is not many people in there Little town so people are excited to meet someone new. her first day at lunch she sit with the popular girls and sees the Cullen family and gets were attracted to Edward when she see him right away. she is starting to notice that Edward is giving her weird looks and she cant tell if he is just doing it or likes her. the next day Edward was not at school because he had to go on a "hunting trip".

Pakistan suicide bombing kills six

The attack happened in the town of Dera Ismail Khan in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, a frequent scene of suicide attacks. They have been targeting the police by making a huge crowd with all the bombs. this group of sucide killers has killed over two police officers, two reporters, and injured over 50 others. This attack has happened more than once officers and the mayor think it is and attack aganist the police because they belive that the police arent doing there job the way it should be.
reflection: i dont see why poeple can do these types of thing and the police arent do anything about it or catching on to any of the clues that lead back to other people starting the plans to do a sucide bombing and killing people.