Sunday, January 4, 2009

new moon 1

in new moon, bella has her first birthday party in forks washington, at the cullens. they give her presents. bella ended up cutting her finger on the wraping paper, and jasper jumped at her,but edward saved her again. Edward doe not think it is safe to be wiith bella and think that she sould live a normaly life, so edward tries to erase the memory oh him in bellas head. so he takes all of the gift that he gave her and all the pictures of them together and try to act like he never exsitied. edward and his family move to L.A. leaving bella in forks. Bella has become very depressed for four months avoiding frineds and doesnt talk much anymore, she was basiclly a zombie at home and at school. One day she decides to be different and be her normal self by trying. she starts to hang out with jacob again he is her best friend.

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